
March 2024


The tension and excitement couldn’t be greater.

Our organisation and four of our dogs were allowed to be guests at the German TV-Show

,,Animals Looking for a Home“ (German TV Show).

Sleepless nights due to excitement and even more excitement upon arrival. What awaits us???

And then it was like a dream. So many friendly, helpful people, simply unbelievable. It was like a big family that welcomed our dogs and us with all our weaknesses and strengths.
The nervousness remained (unfortunately) but everything turned into joy.

Simone, Heike, Ina and the whole team around them are simply great and anyone who believes that “Animals Looking for a Home” is just a TV show is wrong.
It is animal protection in all its facets. With a lot of empathy and heart, it’s all about the well-being of the animals.

We say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts and hope that Zampa, Biba, Bello and Chia get the chance to have a nice home.

Your ARB team

January 2024

„Thank you for your help” ❤

Dear adopters, dear sponsors,
The first month of the new year has almost passed. The first dogs have already arrived in their families this year.

We, the ARB team, would like to take this opportunity to say thank you once again.

Our thanks goes to all the adopters who have given our dogs a lovely home and to the sponsors who have supported us faithfully and actively for a long time. 

Without you, our work would not be possible.

We wish everyone a wonderful year 2024.

December 2022

“Our beloved Asa ❤ You will be forever in our hearts” ❤

Asa was rescued by us in November 2020 from a terrible shelter, where she was locked up together with other 130 dogs for several years under very bad conditions. She got no exercise there, no medical care at all and hardly anything to eat.

When she came to us at the estimated age of 7 years, she was cared for and looked after by us and was then ready for a new loving home. In January 2022, dear Angelika Kautz from Neu Zache came forward and took our Asa into her beautiful cozy home in February 2022 and loved her more than anything and vice versa.

She was cared for and nurtured by Angelika and treated by her vet as best she could. But the happiness in her beautiful home was not of long duration and Asa had to say goodbye to her wonderful and loving home and her beloved mistress forever after only 10 months.

December 2022

“We support a new animal shelter project in Trebinje/Bosnia”

We are happy to be able to help other animal welfare organizations with the knowledge and experience we have gained in the past years. The organization Korina ( from Montenegro, which is supported by the English organization Network for Animals (, visited us in our shelter and presented their plans with the construction project of an animal shelter in Trebinje (Bosnian city on the border with Croatia and Montenegro). 

Their plan is to create a temporary home suitable for the street dogs, and to care for and provide medical attention to the dogs until they can be placed in good hands. The dear animal welfare activists have discovered “like us in 2020” a terrible shelter where the animals have to stay in disastrous conditions. 

The Korina organization will start building a new shelter as soon as possible. Until the completion of the shelter, they will take care of the neglected dogs with food donations and hopefully they will be able to move very soon. 

We are proud to have been chosen and contacted as a good role model and since then we have been involved in the implementation of the new shelter project in Trebinje. 

We will do everything we can to make this new project a success.

October 2022

“A big thank you from the entire A.R.B. team goes this time to Moni and Christian Ramsauer” ❤

Das liebe Ehepaar Moni und Christian Ramsauer hat im Dezember 2021 gleich zwei Hunde von uns adoptiert. Unseren lieben Martin, geb. 06.2019, der auf einem Auge erblindet ist und unsere Marcia, geb. 06/2021, die sehr schüchtern, ängstlich und misstrauisch gegenüber Menschen war. 

Die erste Entscheidung fiel bewusst auf Martin, da er zum einen ein sehr liebenswerter Hund ist und zum anderen mit nur einem funktionstüchtigen Auge geringere Chancen auf eine Adoption hatte als unsere gesunden Hunde. Damit Martin nicht alleine sein musste, haben sich Moni und Christian auch für Marcia entschieden. Aufgrund ihrer sehr ängstlichen Art hatte sie bis dato keine Interessenten.

Im neuen Zuhause angekommen haben Martin und Marcia alle Zeit der Welt bekommen, um sich in Ruhe einzuleben. Mit viel Verständnis und Geduld haben Moni und Christian es geschafft, das Vertrauen der beiden zu 100% zu gewinnen und wenn man die Hunde heute sieht, ist es so, als wären sie nie woanders gewesen und hätten nie etwas Schlimmes in ihrer Vergangenheit erlebt.

Auf dem tollen Grundstück und in der sehr ländlichen Umgebung fühlen sich die zwei pudelwohl und bekommen alles, was das Hundeherz begehrt. 

September 2022

“A very special thank you to Laura Weixel with Prinz” ❤

Our dog Prinz came to us with a severe injury to his left hind leg. His leg was so badly injured that our doctors only saw the possibility of amputation. We didn’t know what had happened to him, it could be that he had either gotten caught in a bear trap in the woods or his leg had been otherwise crushed.

After the operation, the healing process took some time, and Prinz had to get used to the new situation, which was of course difficult for him at first. But after everything was over, his zest for life came back and he could walk again without any problems. 

The time had come to find him a loving home where he could get the care he needed and start a new life. 

On 12.02.2022 it was then so far and Prinz could finally move in with Laura. ❤
From the beginning the two were one heart and one soul and that’s how it has to be. Our Prinz feels very happy, experiences with Laura many adventures, goes with her on trips and they have a lot of fun together.

April 2022

“04. April – International Day of Stray Animals” ❣️

Today is the International Day of Stray Animals, the day when we should think about the daily suffering of dogs. We still give everything in our power to help as many strays as possible to end their suffering.

We would like to encourage everyone who cares about the suffering of animals to support us in our project, so that we can continue to work as we do now or even do more.

Many thanks to all who support us! 

February 2022

“We would like to share our joy” ❣️

We would like to share our joy with ALL who visit our site. We are happy and proud that out of the dogs rescued from the local terrible shelter in November 2020, we have already placed 80 dogs who are now treated with respect at their new families, live a happy life and have closure with their terrible past.

Our Dana (see photo) was the first dog we placed in Germany in February 2021 to a very sweet couple. Before that, we were busy caring for all the dogs, giving them medical treatment, operating on them, and most importantly, taking away their fears with the love they needed so that they were ready to move to their new homes.

Then we found many more loving people with heart, who even adopted two or more of our charges together, so that they would not be separated from each other.

Some of them are still waiting for loving hands (see “Our dogs”), some of them are unfortunately still not ready due to their traumatic experiences. But also they will hopefully soon be ready for a new life.

October 2021

“A big thank you to Romy Vietzke!”

It is now time to thank Romy for her active support. Romy always collects great things for our dog shelter, which we always urgently need, like towels, leashes, safety harnesses, blankets, snacks and much more. In addition, she and her husband have adopted two dogs from us; a male named Wan and a female named Lara.

Lara was a very shy and fearful dog and Romy together with her husband managed to give both dogs a great dog life with a lot of love and patience.

In addition, Romy helps us to find new homes for the dogs who unfortunately have to move out of their new homes for various reasons. And for all her help our whole team A.R.B. Bosnia would like to thank her very much.

May 2021

“A big thank you to our dog trainer Rainer Babina!”

Rainer Babina adopted two of our dogs and gave them a wonderful home. As an experienced dog trainer Rainer gives in his  Hundetreff Visbek e.V. ( training lessons for puppies, young dogs and adult dogs and he is very successful with it. Since a few months we have the luck that Rainer supports us with his knowledge and many years of experience with words and deeds.

Especially in the beginning, when our dogs have been placed in Germany and they have moved into their new home, many questions about dogs come from the new owners. With these many different questions Rainer is at our disposal and gives the adopters very helpful valuable tips and tricks for a harmonious human-dog relationship. Our team is very happy to have Rainer Babina as a great support to our team and for this we would like to thank again very much.

January 2021

We took these puppies from the street so that they
would not also be run over by cars, as happened to one from this group. Citizens have called us and asked for help.

“We found them”

Our shelter is providing a home for abandoned and street dogs since two years. The goal of our work is to provide a temporary home for a dogs, until the final adoption of families who want to have a new family member and give them the love and attention they deserve.

A dog is a man’s best friend who will always be grateful and loyal to you. So far we have found a home for about 150 dogs, mostly in Germany and that makes us proud.

There are various ways we reach out to dogs and provide them with the care they need. The most upsetting and the saddest is the finding of dogs and especially puppies in abandoned and destroyed buildings or left in front of our entrance in cardboard boxes.

Puppies that are separated from their mother prematurely are often left to fend for themselves and need special attention.

Abandoned, ill and hungry

Our team invests a lot of love and effort, but also medical care to make these puppies grown up healthy. Certainly, the happiest moment for us is when we find an adequate home for them that we choose carefully. The gallery above shows just some of the examples of abandoned and street dogs that are now safe.

December 2020

“Finally safe!”

In the group of dogs we rescued from the Local Shelter, our veterinarians found that several females were pregnant. After a detailed medical examination, we separated them into special boxes and provide special care.

Two females have already become mothers and our shelter is richer by ten little sweets. After raising the puppies the mothers will be neutered and we are sure that a better, happier life begins for them than the one they could have had if they had stayed in the Local Shelter.

Our team works these days to examine dogs and diagnose various diseases such as tumors, various types of infections, skin diseases, and infectious diseases that have arisen as a result of many years in the cold, wet and dirty.

We find out that many dogs are suffering from malnutrition, and that made us especially sad.

Born in safety: The first puppies are already there!

Almost every dog, after a veterinary examination, must be shaved and clipped to the skin to be able to treat various types of skin diseases caused mainly by the bite of other dogs and inadequate care. It is very cold outside, but fortunately, in our shelter every box has heating, and with that recovery is much faster and easier. Doctors also castrate dogs daily to prevent further reproduction but also conflicts between male dogs.

Pictures of the shelter from where we saved the poor dogs

Our team works these days to examine dogs and diagnose various diseases such as tumors, various types of infections, skin diseases, and infectious diseases that have arisen as a result of many years in the cold, wet and dirty. We find out that many dogs are suffering from malnutrition, and that made us especially sad.

November 2020

“We did it!”

Since the conditions in which the dogs had to live were very bad and they did not receive adequate care and medical assistance, we decided to bring the dogs to our shelter. For months we tried to find a way to achieve this and we finally succeeded.

We brought all 130 dogs to our shelter. Some of the dogs are in a very bad state of health. Our veterinarians immediately started the treatments and the necessary medical care. Here you can see some photos of our new residents. At this point we would like to refrain from publishing those photos where dogs are in a bad state of health. As soon as all dogs have recovered, we will be happy to share more photos with you. 

The most important thing is that the dogs are now safe with us and they find excellent living conditions in our shelter: Heating, quality food, medical care and the medication necessary for their recovery, as well as a lot of love and attention from our team.

We would like to thank the Gorazde Municipality for making this important project possible. We especially thank the members of our team, who actively helped, because the realization of this project was connected with considerable psychological and physical stress.
At the same time we are very proud and happy that we have successfully implemented our plan.